Friday, April 10, 2009

Potager Construction - Day 6 - Catching a break

Rain. That's what I heard when I woke at something around 5:30. C had the day off for Spring Break, so did the kids. My plans of finishing the pavers suddenly got shelved. Had a bit of a late morning. We needed it. By 7:30 everyone was up and moving, but the extra sleep was nice.

The early part of the day was spent puttering at this and that, all of us moving slowly. At 10:30 M came to get the kids for their wild flower walk, tea, and egg coloring. They made some lovely looking eggs using beet juice, blue berries, onion skins, and turmeric.

In the afternoon we caught another break from the weather, SUN! (sort of, at least the rain stopped and the clouds allowed the sun to poke through occasionally.) We used the time to get a wee bit more done on the potager. So, even though it wasn't a full, productive day, today counts. Progress was made. Sand was moved, leveled, and covered (at least partially) with pavers.

Tomorrow we have the family Easter Fest. No potager work, no gardening, basic chores and LOTS of SMILES.


bughunter99 said...

The speed that you are moving on this project is amazing!

our friend Ben said...

I agree with bughunter, Alan. You've worked wonders there! And those eggs are gorgeous. Are the bright orange ones the ones made with turmeric? It certainly manages to turn my fingers bright orange every time I make curry! Did you all use a vinegar fixative? Anyway, have a delightful, blessed Easter with tons of smiles all 'round!

inadvertent farmer said...

We do our eggs with those things fun!

Your potager is coming along at break-neck speed, I am completely impressed! Kim

Heather said...

Wow, I have been remiss in blog reading and MY GOODNESS! From little drawings to serious action in weeks, I am very impressed. It looks fantastic. Also, I need one of those little yellow diggers too.


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