Saturday, February 3, 2018

sustainability - what does it mean - part 1

So sustainability has been an obsession of mine for as long as I can remember.  I've always felt that the way we live in the world was flawed, and that there was a better way.  Bias exists.  You have been warned.

I'm taking a course to expand my understanding of sustainability-the concept.  I have my answer (flawed I'm sure, and sometimes open to discussion, but not much...) but I'm trying to learn to look from a different, more global and more scientific perspective.  The course I'm taking is free, it's on the site, and it has made me think.

Here's the link

I'm going to, from time to time, post thoughts, ideas, and questions about sustainability.  Hope we can generate a conversation.  The course I'm taking has people from all over the world, but I have real problems with their assumptions (not the participants, the course providers... the participants seem to be drinking the cool-aid just fine.)

So, question one - What is sustainability?

Hoping you will post an answer so we can have a conversation.

1 comment:

Dsávio said...

Hello Alan Roberts. I came here through the CITIZEN SCIENCE course: FROM SOIL TO SKY UNIVERSITY OF DUNDEE. I will accompany the work on your site. Congratulations.


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