Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Catching up in the garden

The weather finally gave me a break and things have started progressing in the garden again.  The succession planting of carrots, and spinach got started last week.  Later than I wanted but that's what the weather and life dictated.  They are in the two boxes with the floating row cover.  I made a mistake last fall and planted garlic in some of my prime planting space in the kitchen garden.  I had a lot to plant, it was time, and the space was ready.  Now I'm having to rearrange things so that I can fit the rest of the kitchen garden crops in.  The first job was getting a space ready for the tomatoes.  To do that I had to relocate 4 big clumps of horseradish.  It needed to be moved anyway, so that was a good thing. Once the horseradish was moved I scraped the deep mulch off the area so I could make beds for the tomatoes.  The deep mulch is doing wonders for the soil.  Every scoop I moved was filled with tons of earthworms.

Once the mulch was off I formed up two beds and returned the mulch to the path areas between the beds.

Then it was time to get the trellising in place.  I use 3 trimmed down 2x4s as the vertical supports and one long 2x4 along the top to hold the twine.  I run a heave wire between the vertical supports about 6 inches above the ground to provide a lower anchor point for the twine.  When the tomatoes start growing I prune them and train them up the twine.  Since I grow indeterminate varieties they usually grow over the top to the trellis.

Unfortunately, I didn't get the trellising all installed this morning before I had to go to work.   I'll finish in the next day or so and post pictures of the result.

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