Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A wee bit of rain

We had just finished dinner, enjoying watching the rain fall while we ate, when a knock came at the door. The neighbor from down the road had come to tell us that our goats were getting pretty unhappy. Apparently it was a bit wet in their part of the pasture. I put on my gum boots and went to check out the situation. This is what I found. (All the goats and cows have been moved safely to the dry barn before the pictures where taken. The chickens, however, will have to fend for themselves.)

Am I a chicken or a duck?

High and 'dry'?

The goat pasture with rain shelter, (that is a 50 gal water tank)

Water went over my gum boots a bit, almost to my waist in places.

Everyone is safe and dry now. Thank goodness for great neighbors!


themanicgardener said...

Criminetly--to your waist? Are you officially flooded, or is this normal in your part of the world?

And indeed--thank goodness for good neighbors. Another proof of our mutal interdependence, the beginning of community.

Anonymous said...

That must of been some rain!


dND said...

That was quite a drop of rain then - any idea how much?

I get some heavy thunderstorms but thankfully being on a slight slope it runs through.

It's so nice your neighbour was looking out for you, a really pleasant change in this 'don't get involved, only care about yourself' society that seems to have developed.

jack-of-all-thumbs said...

Yikes! And here I am complaining about the lack of rain. Glad that your family and livestock (extended family) are OK.

Thanks again for the predator-proof coop door design. I think it will solve that problem. Now I just need to build my flock back up.

I also hope to have some pictures and plans up soon from my current project, a solar food dehydrator with about thirty square feet of drying tray area. (Yet another cool idea I 'stole' from someone else.)

Anonymous said...

Holy Moly...I thought only we poor farmers in the NW had to endure that much rain. Love the Duck/Chicken caption! Kim


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