I grabbed the milk bucket and went back to the barn. May was going a bit crazy by this time. I got her some grain, tied her up and milked out one quarter. I sprinted back to the house, strained the milk into a bottle, and fed the calf. We got a couple of pints in, then we really went to work rubbing and drying. Five towels later the calf was fairly dry and warm enough to be shivering. Back I went to the barn to finish milking out May. I gave her some hay and headed back to the house again. Strained more milk, filled the bottle with another quart and went back to feeding. About this time the kids asked if the calf was a boy or a girl. I hadn't bothered to look. Turns out it was a girl. Just what we wanted. More feeding. More drying. Less shivering.
Finally she curled up to sleep in front of the stove. I finished the chores. When I came back she was up trying to walk around. I let her finish the last of the colostrum and headed back to the barn to prepare a place for her. (she is too big to live in the dining room, even in our really rough, yet to be remodeled, dining room.) We have a small pen where we keep goats who are about to give birth. I filled it up with straw, some hay and water, and moved May in there. After 5 minutes everything was as it should have been.
Now I get to clean the house and do the laundry. The house smells like a barn, and the laundry... well, it better come clean.
Wow...I am so glad you were home, and quick! Congrats on the new addition, make sure you keep us updated...now go do your laundry! kim
Oh, wow, that was another close one!
Amazing that the calf survived until you found it and the you and the kids worked so hard to save the little girl. She and her Mom look so happy in their nice dry pen. Congratulations! Hope all the towels made a recovery too. LOL
Thanks for sharing your story! She is absolutely beautiful. Your kids seem like great helpers.
Ah, the romantic life of a farmer...
Glad you found the calf , she's beautiful. Hope she stays healthy , it sounds like you all did a great job with her.
~ Blessings ~
Loved the pictures! What an adventure. Have you named her yet?
What an adventure! I'm so glad the calf is okay and doing well. That you saved her is worth the dirty laundry, right? ;)
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