Monday, February 22, 2010

I am just finishing my garden planning for the spring (I shouldn't say finishing, the details change as the plan gets implemented, but without a plan to work from it's just CHAOS.) I'm also finishing Eliot Colman's The Winter Harvest Handbook. (I like it a lot better than his earlier book The Four Season Harvest. ) It has made me think a lot about what I can do here to ensure we have fresh food year round. I have plans, BIG PLANS.

Starting this week our existing green house goes into production mode. Today will be spent cleaning and prepping. Tomorrow we plant. As you can see from the photos below, we have a bit to do.

In the greenhouse today

Outside the greenhouse

It has warmed up to 36 degrees today. The days are getting longer. We should be eating well rather than just dreaming. I know it can be done, not just from Mr. Coleman's book (he does the impossible all the time, it's a bit intimidating) but because my friends, the Adelsbergers, who live just over the hill from our farm, are doing it. Check out their cold house produce.


Adelsberger Family said...

When I went to the cold house on Saturday, it was 90 degrees under the second layer of plastic! It is amazing what a sunny day can do. We had another amazing salad today. Yesterday I planted radish, cabbage and more lettuce. It's only beginning--spring is coming! It was great to get dirt under the fingernails again. Kristi

Shayne said...

I checked out the Adelsberger Family's blog, and I'm very inspired by the photos of what they're able to produce in the winter.

Your greenhouse looks very nice. I hope to construct one at some point in the next few years. For this year, I'm planning to get as far as a few cold frames.

I haven't read Eliot Coleman's books. Those will have to go on the library list. I did, however, see his article in the Oct./Nov. 2009 Mother Earth News. What amazed me most was learning that he is able to do so much winter gardening in Maine! I didn't realize that was possible.


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