Little floppy goat (now named Patty) seems to be doing much better. I suspect that Callie was correct. It was vitamin E/selenium deficiency. Early on I gave Patty a dose of cod liver oil. That plus lots of extra care seems to have helped her turn the corner.
Floppy Goat Walking
That would also explain the scruffy look of some of the goats, the difficulty birthing we have had this year, and the general level of unthriftyness. We don't usually have a problem with this kind of deficiency. We have built up our soil and pasture quality enough, and we supplement with a good mineral program, and that takes care of it (copper on the other hand has been a fight...) This year several things seem to have conspired against us. First, we are kidding earlier than we usually do. The Does haven't had the access to fresh green pasture that they normally do. Second, the weather this past month has had the goats confined to the barn. In past years we haven't had the snow cover that we have had this year. They have gone out to pasture and picked at old grass and weeds along with their hay and supplements. I think they were getting more from this than I thought. Third, we changed hay suppliers, and his land hasn't been in organic production very long. I don't think the nutrients are there at the levels I expected. So, now I'm on my way to start remedial supplementation with the rest of the goats. I'll also add a lot more kelp into the supplement and put more out free choice. Hopefully this will prevent future problems.
So adorable!
I am glad your kid is doing better. It is heart breaking to watch them struggle.
Your blog is actually encouraging me not to give up on the whole finding my own property thing... seeing the animals gives me a boost every time. ^_^ That wee kid is adorable.
(Fixed due to inability to spell lol!)
Love the video! She's beautiful. Glad she's doing better.
Little Patty is so cute! Glad she is improving.
Thank you for the information is this blog. We are getting two baby goats in late April-I have never had goats before so have lots to learn. Will be following your blog even more closely.
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